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Pt100 temperature sensor - iTHERM CompactLine TM311

iTHERM CompactLine TM311
Compact thermometer

Metric/imperial RTD 4-20 mA/IO-Link compact thermometer for industrial and hygienic applications

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    • Operating Instruction (BA)

    iTHERM CompactLine TM311

    English version - 10/2022

    New version available in English

    Compact thermometer with IO-Link

    • White paper (WP)

    Ease instrument commissioning and enhance maintenance with IO-Link

    English version - 01/2024

    New version available in English

    Empowered with simple configuration, cost-effective implementation, and comprehensive diagnostics, plant personnel — especially in the food & beverage industry — are leveraging IO-Link-enabled digital instruments and sensors to create insights

32 documents